UFO Farm Attack

The idea

Here’s a game idea that I’ve been toying around with.

You own a farm

Wait! It’s not that kind of game!

You own a farm and you get money each morning for each animal that spent the night in the barn, coop, shed, etc. Something like: $2 per chicken (sell eggs), $10 per cow (sell milks), etc. Sounds easy enough - BUT!

There are UFOs all over the farm.

Each night you need to try get your animals into the barn. The UFOs will abduct anything under it, so you need to dodge them, try to out smart them, or maybe even sacrifice lesser animals to them. If your animal gets abducted, you get the animal back the next day, but they did not make you any money. If you get abducted, you don’t get any money the next day - who would have collected the eggs or milked the animals?

You use the money you earn to buy more animals, make upgrades to the farm, make upgrades to yourself, etc.

You can plant trees, bushes, or even build roofed structures to hide from the UFOs. Hurricanes will happen sometimes overnight and break them. UFOs can also transport aliens onto the map that will disassemble them. This is to avoid covering the whole map with roofed structures.


Likely a top down game, I’m thinking of trying to keep controls to d-pad and two buttons

8-way directional movement

A Button - confirm
A Button - for picking up small animals, like chickens.
A Button - attach teather to larget animals.

B Button - cancel
B Button - put down animal
B Button - release lasso



  • Chicken
  • Goat
  • Turkey
  • Pig
  • Cow

Player upgrades

  • Faster walking speed
  • Teather distance
  • Faster pickup animation
  • Faster put down animation

Upgrades to the farm

  • Chicken coop size
  • Barn size
  • Additional buildings
  • Plant bush (X days till providing hiding spot)
  • Plant tree (X days till providing hiding spot)
  • Fencing


Not much of a plot is needed here, the hope is the game loop will entice people to play. However, in order to provide pressure, maybe there is a ‘Save the farm’ storyline where you need to earn $X,XXX dollars in ## days or the farm is lost